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[sc-users] ProxySpace .map woes (NetAddr error)


I just realized today that .map (in ProxySpace) doesn't work anymore
(svn revision 9624, ubuntu karmic)

this small example:

p = ProxySpace.push(s.boot)
~sin = { SinOsc.ar(\freq.kr(330), 0, 0.2)}
~lfo = { SinOsc.kr(12, 0, 800)}
~sin.map(\freq, ~lfo)

throws this error:

ERROR: List array not an Array.
Instance of Array {    (B6A97C80, gc=C4, fmt=01, flg=00, set=03)
 indexed slots [3]
     0 : instance of Array (0xb6a7d870, size=8, set=3)
     1 : instance of Array (0x95f80b0, size=12, set=4)
     2 : instance of Array (0xb69cb780, size=4, set=2)
ERROR: Primitive '_ObjectPerformList' failed.
Wrong type.
Instance of NetAddr {    (B69B45B0, gc=C8, fmt=00, flg=00, set=02)
 instance variables [4]
   addr : Integer 2130706433
   port : Integer 57110
   hostname : ""
   socket : nil
   MethodError:reportError   B6A71500
       arg this = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
   Nil:handleError   B6A5E630
       arg this = nil
       arg error = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
   Thread:handleError   B6A60340
       arg this = <instance of Thread>
       arg error = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
   Object:throw   B6B48B10
       arg this = <instance of PrimitiveFailedError>
   Object:primitiveFailed   B6A5AD60
       arg this = <instance of NetAddr>
   Server:listSendBundle   B6A520F0
       arg this = <instance of Server>
       arg time = 0.2
       arg msgs = <instance of List>
   NodeProxy:map   B6A5C530
       arg this = <instance of NodeProxy>
       arg args = [*2]
       var bundle = <instance of List>
   Interpreter:interpretPrintCmdLine   094F8EB0
       arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
       var res = nil
       var func = <instance of Function>
       var code = "~out.map(\freqOffest, ~lfo);"
       var doc = <instance of ScelDocument>
   Process:interpretPrintCmdLine   B6A57580
       arg this = <instance of Main>


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