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Re: [sc-users] Compiled language similar to sc ?

On Mar 9, 2009, at 10:23 AM, jostM wrote:

Until you are really good as SC, it can
be hard not to have implementation complexities distract from your
musical ideas.

But this is the case with everything in music. Until you are really goon on violin, piano, dictation, composing, etc. etc. Having to get really good at something isn't bad. And all of this involves implementation complexities!


/* Joshua D. Parmenter

“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono

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