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Re: [sc-users] Compiled language similar to sc ?

Hi Sciss,
Would you like to outline, firstly why you started to explore 'away' from SClang and secondly why you chose scala-lang to explore, in particular?

On 09/03/2009, at 1:50 AM, Sc iss wrote:

i'm spending some time with scala these days ( www.scala-lang.org ), it is statically typed but has good type inference so you don't have to type so much as for example in java. it is also functional so you can do most of what sclang can do, with the addition of types that saves you a lot of trouble when developing more complex classes. of course, it might be not for you if you want a quickly responding live coding system, but i'm trying to figure out how close you can get. it's also not the perfect language but well, i guess there is no perfect language, as everyone has there personal preferences, and supercollider has a lot of syntactic sugar that makes the source code more compact. it misses things like default argument values and method calls with argument names (EnvGen.ar( Env.perc ), doneAction: 2), but some are on the way for scala 2.8 i think.

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