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Re: [sc-users] Make caps lock LED blink tempo?
hi dan,
I read:
can you read the button events from the keyboard ?
Don't know how to do that... sorry...
try sth. like:
~kbd.action = { |t,c,v| [t.asHexString(4), v.asHexString(4), v].postln };
~kbd.action = nil; // to get rid of it again
OK, sounds like it may be less straightforward than I hoped!
I found this in the entry for /dev/input/event5
(17 -> IdentityDictionary[ (1 -> LIDLedSlot.new), (2 ->
LIDLedSlot.new), (0 -> LIDLedSlot.new) ])
which suggests this is the device I'm looking for. But I see no LED
action when using
d.setLEDState(0x0, 1)
(or 0x1, 0x2, or setting a state of 0 as opposed to 1). The post
window just gives a "0" whatever I do (indicating success?).
well setLEDState fails silently, on my thinkpad only LED 0x01 actually
lights up even though .dumpCaps reports 3 LED slots.
I'm using an Asus Eee, maybe it's not a "well known" keyboard somehow...
it's certainly tiny ;)
chris@xxxxxxxxxx Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/ special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.net)
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