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Re: [sc-users] Make caps lock LED blink tempo?

hi dan,

I read:
This sounds nice. LID is new to me, how do I work out which file is my
keyboard device? For example, when I do

d.buildDeviceList should be of some help here but cat is always your friend :)

  d = LID("/dev/input/event6");
...I get a message:
  ERROR: LID: No such file or directory
  a LID
  LID: added device 0x99bb038

I've never seen this

I suspect that the ctor has worked, but I don't know if the error
message should concern me or not. (I do have permissions on the event*
files.) Then when I do

can you read the button events from the keyboard ?


...I see an IdentityDictionary containing some integers and lists,
which I don't know how to understand. The LID helpfile suggests I

theses are documented in /usr/include/linux/input.h look for "Event Types"
should look for 0x0011 in order to spot LED capabilities. In the
objects that are posted I don't see "0x0011" (or "17") AFAIK.

hmm that *should* work with a standard keyboard but IIRC I never got
LEDs to work on my powerbook with linux, HID led support kernelwise
only supports "well known" devices/leds, so I had to actually add a kernelpatch to make the LEDs work on some other HID gear I'm using.
(libusb might have been a less brute-force approach but ...)



chris@xxxxxxxxxx        Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/        special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.net)

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