i'm spending some time with scala these days ( www.scala-lang.org ), it is statically typed but has good type inference so you don't have to type so much as for example in java. it is also functional so you can do most of what sclang can do, with the addition of types that saves you a lot of trouble when developing more complex classes. of course, it might be not for you if you want a quickly responding live coding system, but i'm trying to figure out how close you can get. it's also not the perfect language but well, i guess there is no perfect language, as everyone has there personal preferences, and supercollider has a lot of syntactic sugar that makes the source code more compact. it misses things like default argument values and method calls with argument names (EnvGen.ar( Env.perc ), doneAction: 2), but some are on the way for scala 2.8 i think.
some of my experiments can be found here http://tintantmare.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tintantmare/sclip/
cheers, -sciss-
----- original message --------
Subject: Re: [sc-users] Compiled language similar to sc ?
Sent: Sat, 07 Mar 2009
From: Andrea Valle
You may take a look at Smalltalk or Ruby
On 7 Mar 2009, at 16:03, Miguel Negrao wrote:
Since I started using supercollider I'm become used to it's ease of use, and it's great functionality. When going back to c or c++ for other projects I always feel like going back to the stone age. I particularly love the flexible type system, I don't know the technical name of this, but being able to assign whatever I want to a variable without first defining what is easy. I love that everything is an object, and that the control structures are themselves methods of objects. In my code nowadays I don't ever use "for" loops, I always use .collect or .do . . I love the huge ammount of container classes with methods to do almost everything I can think off. Also the garbage collection is great. So my question is, is there a compiled language that has this features ? And if yes, why the hell isn't everyone using it ?
cheers,-- Miguel Negrão // ZLBhttp://www.friendlyvirus.org/artists/zlb/
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--------------------------------------------------Andrea Valle--------------------------------------------------CIRMA - DAMSUniversità degli Studi di Torino--> http://www.cirma.unito.it/andrea/--> http://www.myspace.com/andreavalle--> http://www.flickr.com/photos/vanderaalle/--> http://www.youtube.com/user/vanderaalle--> andrea.valle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"The objectives of SuperCollider have been taken a stage further with the development of SAOL, the fruits of a research project based at MIT, launched in 1998" (P. Manning, Electronic and Computer Music, revised and expanded edition, 2004)
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