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Re: [sc-users] SCMenuItem problems

Okay, fixed.

On 8 Mar 2009, at 13:38, Scott Wilson wrote:

I don't know how you arrived at this way of doing things, but certainly not from the help files. default should be private possibly.

On 8 Mar 2009, at 11:39, Wouter Snoei wrote:

Hi all,

I'm not sure if the SCMenuItem stuff is still work in progress, but I'm experiencing some trouble when trying to add things to the Library menu with it:

// [1] If the Library menu is not already there;

SCMenuItem( CocoaMenuItem.default, "Hi" );  // doesn't do anything


In general this is how you should add to Library.

As for the rest I'll take a look. I think it's that default is not being cleared and you can't add to a dead menu. Not sure what's the best approach...


// [2] To get the Library menu there it seems required to do it via
// GUI.menuItem.add() once:

GUI.menuItem.add( [ "Hi1" ] );
SCMenuItem( CocoaMenuItem.default, "Hi2" ); // now it works

// [3] But, if I now do:


// and try to do [2] again I get:

// -> ERROR: Primitive '_NewMenuItem' failed.

// [4] And things get worse. If I want to add a separator line
// (after recompiling and doing [2] again):

SCMenuSeparator( CocoaMenuItem.default, 1 ); // shows up correctly

// and try to quit, recompile or do:

CocoaMenuItem.clearCustomItems; // SC crashes ..

any thoughts? (btw I'm using rev 8892)


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