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[sc-users] SCMenuItem problems

Hi all,

I'm not sure if the SCMenuItem stuff is still work in progress, but I'm experiencing some trouble when trying to add things to the Library menu with it:

// [1] If the Library menu is not already there;

SCMenuItem( CocoaMenuItem.default, "Hi" );  // doesn't do anything

// [2] To get the Library menu there it seems required to do it via
// GUI.menuItem.add() once:

GUI.menuItem.add( [ "Hi1" ] );
SCMenuItem( CocoaMenuItem.default, "Hi2" ); // now it works

// [3] But, if I now do:


// and try to do [2] again I get:

// -> ERROR: Primitive '_NewMenuItem' failed.

// [4] And things get worse. If I want to add a separator line
// (after recompiling and doing [2] again):

SCMenuSeparator( CocoaMenuItem.default, 1 ); // shows up correctly

// and try to quit, recompile or do:

CocoaMenuItem.clearCustomItems; // SC crashes ..

any thoughts? (btw I'm using rev 8892)


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