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[sc-users] Compiled language similar to sc ?
Since I started using supercollider I'm become used to it's ease of use,
and it's great functionality. When going back to c or c++ for other
projects I always feel like going back to the stone age.
I particularly love the flexible type system, I don't know the
technical name of this, but being able to assign whatever I want to a
variable without first defining what is easy. I love that everything is
an object, and that the control structures are themselves methods of
objects. In my code nowadays I don't ever use "for" loops, I always use
.collect or .do . . I love the huge ammount of container classes with
methods to do almost everything I can think off. Also the garbage
collection is great.
So my question is, is there a compiled language that has this
features ? And if yes, why the hell isn't everyone using it ?
Miguel Negrão // ZLB
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