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Re: [sc-users] SC for windows XP


On Thursday 05 March 2009 20:23:20 AIzarra wrote:
> Hello, is there a different list for sc-WIndows?

same list.
But please start a new topic by sending a new message to the list, instead of 
replying to an existing thread. That will make sure your message will be 
noticed by the right people.

> I have been working on Mac but I will have to teach in WIndows. I
> tried to install today but only one window server came up (the local
> host). Is it like that?

I think so, yes...

> or it might be the computer in which I was 
> working? I could not make any sounds.

What did you do? was the server booted? what code did you execute? what was 
the feedback in the post window?

> I have some other basic questions to ask.
> Muchos saludos
> Adina


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