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Re: [sc-users] SC for windows XP


> Hello, is there a different list for sc-WIndows?

This is the main list/forum for all platforms. Here, the subject
heading of posts pertaining to a particular platform will often begin
with "[sc-users] [win]", or similar.

> I have been working on Mac but I will have to teach in WIndows. I
> tried to install today but only one window server came up (the local
> host). Is it like that? or it might be the computer in which I was
> working? I could not make any sounds.

Yes, there is only one server window on Windows. If you can't make
sounds after booting the server, you may need to change which audio
device/driver you're using. Have a look at the 'startup.sc' file for
more information.

> I have some other basic questions to ask.

Feel free to ask them!

Martin V

sc-users mailing list

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