still not getting it...
On Thursday 05 March 2009 11:18:05 Julian Rohrhuber wrote:
the pattern does not know what arguments to send.
so add:
\args, [\trig, \freq]
I added:
Pbindef( \p4, \args, [\dur,\t_trig,\freq,\rate]);
but the arguments sent out to the server are not changing.
Where is this documented?
(Event types does not mention this part of the \set type).
another way to set a node proxy with a pattern is with the role of \set
~oufplay2[2] = Pbindef( \p4);
then the right args are derived implicitly.
This also does not seem to work.
Can you explain the syntax, and how it is supposed to work?
also you may want to use a t_trig (then you get a trigger control,
and don't have to reset the control each second time).
>I have this in a ProxySpace:
>~bufplay2 = { |rate=0.1, freq= 100, trig=1, dur = 1, amp=5 |
> amp*EnvGen.kr( Env.asr, trig, timeScale: dur ) * RLPF.ar( PlayBuf.ar( 2,
> b.bufnum, rate, loop: 1 ), freq, 0.3 )};
>// triggers the envelope as expected:
>~bufplay2.set( \trig, 1 )
>~bufplay2.set( \trig, 0 )
>// but attempting to set trig from a pattern does not seem to work:
>Pbindef( \p4, \type, \set );
>Pbindef( \p4 ).play;
>Pbindef( \p4, \id, ~bufplay2.group.nodeID );
>Pbindef( \p4, \rate, 0.8 );
>Pbindef( \p4, \dur, Pseq( [ 1, 3, 2 ]*0.4, inf ) );
>Pbindef( \p4, \freq, Pseq( [ 200, 100, 150 ]*4, inf ) );
>Pbindef( \p4, \trig, Pseq( [1,0], inf) );
>What am I missing here?
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