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Re: [sc-users] will there ever be real multiprocessor support?

On Wednesday 04 March 2009 20:46:43 Miguel Negrao wrote:
> But all the major daws (protools, logic, cubasem nuendo, etc) support
> multi-processors, and now even max/msp supports them and csound has
> experimental multi-core on 5.0.9.
>     I guess putting several servers sending audio to each other through
> jack might be a temporary solution, but still that's a big headache...
>     Off course I'm not saying it's easy, but it just seems to me that it
> will have to be adressed at some point in order for the sc to not become
> obsolete. Fierceless sc programmers out there, sink your teeth into this
> problem so that you can have the glory of being the one to make sc
> multi-core friendly ! We promise we will build a statue for you! :-)
> Miguel
> ps: how much of delay is there introduced by sending audio between two
> apps using jack ?

I think one block size or so?
one program writes in one period, the other program reads it in the next?


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