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Re: [sc-users] A clever way to mix three IdentityDictionarys?

Hi list,

I have stored three presets stored in a structure like this:

		\tGrain -> IdentityDictionary[\dist -> 0.4, \amp ->0.4],
		\filter -> IdentityDictionary[\freq -> 400, \rq -> 7.2]
		\panner -> IdentityDictionary[\width -> 0.3, \freq -> 0.3]
		\tGrain -> IdentityDictionary[\dist -> 0.4, \amp ->0.4],
		\filter -> IdentityDictionary[\freq -> 400, \rq -> 7.2]
		\panner -> IdentityDictionary[\width -> 0.3, \freq -> 0.3]
		\tGrain -> IdentityDictionary[\dist -> 0.4, \amp ->0.4],
		\filter -> IdentityDictionary[\freq -> 400, \rq -> 7.2]
		\panner -> IdentityDictionary[\width -> 0.3, \freq -> 0.3]

I want to mix the values in these IdentityDictionaries. I' have an Array with three weights, where the sum of the three weights is normalized. I want to have the inverted values of these weights determine the mix factors for each preset.
Can anyone help me to figure a clever way to mix these presets?

the data format is a bit irregular. You can't rely on order in an IdentityDictionary. So here is a simple solution when you convert the dicts to a simple n-dimensional array:

var weights = [0.1, 0.3, 0.6], res;
b = a.collect { |x| x.collect { |y| y.as(Array) }.as(Array) };
c = b.collect { |set, i| set * weights[i] }.sum;

now you only have to convert it back..

normally I use arrays of associations when I need order.


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