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Re: [sc-users] Writing a new class ?


On Wednesday 04 March 2009 13:46:45 kg wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm discovering supercollider langage. I'm trying to write a class.

If you're starting to learn SC, starting with writing classes is not the way 
to go... That is really an advanced topic.
try and learn from tutorials first on how to use the language.
Once you've gotten comfortable with that and have done a few smaller projects 
with the basic language, and you are creating a larger project, then writing 
classes can come in handy, and you can look at the helpfile on writing 
classes (see the help main page for exact name of the helpfile) on how to do 


> This is the code that I've wrote:
> NewClass {}
> This is the error that I obtain when I execute it:
> ERROR: Class not defined.
>    in file 'selected text'
>    line 1 char 8:
>   NewClass¢ { }
> -----------------------------------
> nil
> What's happenning ? (It's difficult to make an easier code that it ...)
> Thx in advance.
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