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[sc-users] convert audio files tempo/dur to globol tempo
Hia all
I'm trying to work out a scaling function which would offset a sample
players rate arg in order to compensate for the file's duration in relation
to that of a global tempo's duration.
I am trying to get a grip on the pattern functionality in SC so the global
tempo factor could be accessed from a Pbind
I am working with a bunch of recorded tempo driven audio files which all
have different tempos.
as an example i have been working with the audio files from BBCut2.
The main problem is that a loaded files tempo/dur is different in relation
to the global tempo/duration. one way to solve this is to scale the file's
duration viva Rate to that of the global tempo duration.
But I'm really having problems with the math. As i can see it the main
factors would be
//sound file tempo BPM
//sound file tempo BPS
//global tempo in [BPS,BPM] for default TEMPOClock
//PlayBuf play back speed. RATE 1.0 - 2.0 raise One octave = double playBack
speed = fileDur / 2;
// RATE 1.0 - 0.5 drop One Octave = half playBack
speed = fileDur * 2;
// scaleRatio ???
(" cd sounds/; ls").unixCmd;
a = Buffer.read(s,"sounds/break"); //8 beats
b = Buffer.read(s,"sounds/break2"); //4 beats
//gain info from sound files (BPM,BPS,Dur)
(8/(a.numFrames/a.sampleRate))*60; //file1 BPM (8 beats long)
(4/(b.numFrames/b.sampleRate))*60; //file2 BPM (4 beats long)
8/a.duration; //file1 BPS
4/b.duration; //file2 BPS
a.duration/2; //2 bar file; one bar length in seconds at 161.75324377608
b.duration; //1 bar file; one bar length in seconds at 161.4990234375
(a.duration/2)/4; //1 1/4 beat in seconds
b.duration/4; //1 1/4 beat in seconds
//global tempo - length of one 1/4 beat in seconds
//global tempo - number of beats in one second
//global tempo - Duration in seconds per 4/4 bar
//seconds / BPM * numBeatsInBar(s)
// the difference in seconds between buffer A and global tempo is
as i can see it you would want to give the same values you would normal give
(PlayBuf,Warp0,PV_PlayBuf) but have them scaled according to the global
tempo. So 2 would be double and 0.5 would be half the global tempo.
I have played around(in the dark) with these numbers but i'm getting very
Unfortunately this is as far as i can take it.
if anyone has the time to explain this further that would be great.
Thanks in advance
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/convert-audio-files-tempo-dur-to-globol-tempo-tp22337935p22337935.html
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