you can't use the -p flag in jackmp (at least under linux).
you have to set a parameter when compiling it, then it is fixed.
take a look at the readme or ./waf -help (or whatever the
compilation tool is called)
though i haven't tried to compile it myself under osx...
Am 04.03.2009 um 17:24 schrieb Wouter Snoei:
Hi Marije,
thanks for the tip. I see that in linux it is indeed a parameter,
set to 256 by default. In OSX it doesn't show up in the JackPilot
application though. And the option also doesn't show up in the
jackdmp --help.. Maybe it works anyway. Would you happen to know
how to run jack from the commandline in osx ? I can't seem to get
it running, and there is no documentation about it (everyone on osx
seems to use the gui version..).
cheers & thanks,
Op 4 mrt 2009, om 14:25 heeft nescivi het volgende geschreven:
On Wednesday 04 March 2009 05:46:46 Wouter Snoei wrote:
I'm researching the possibility to use JackOSX for solving the
problems I'm experiencing with multiple servers on our WFS
system. So
far it seems to work, but I'm bumping into some kind of maximum
Jack. When I try to boot 8 servers with 96 channels output each
is what I need for our system) it stops after booting the 4th. I've
set jack to verbose mode and posted the messages I got below. It
"JAR: Cannot register ports" as most important message. Could
give me a hint on why this happens, and if there is a way around it
(maybe increasing memory size somewhere)?
On Linux there is a parameter in the JACK settings for the maximum
number of
ports it can use. This has to be set before you start the JACK
I assume there is a similar setting in JackOSX.
So in your case, you'd want the maximum to be 9 * 96 channels.
(8*96 for the
scsynths, 96 for the actual hardware ports).
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