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Re: [sc-users] [jack] max amount of channels for Jackosx?

On Wednesday 04 March 2009 05:46:46 Wouter Snoei wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm researching the possibility to use JackOSX for solving the
> problems I'm experiencing with multiple servers on our WFS system. So
> far it seems to work, but I'm bumping into some kind of maximum inside
> Jack. When I try to boot 8 servers with 96 channels output each (which
> is what I need for our system) it stops after booting the 4th. I've
> set jack to verbose mode and posted the messages I got below. It says
> "JAR: Cannot register ports" as most important message. Could anyone
> give me a hint on why this happens, and if there is a way around it
> (maybe increasing memory size somewhere)?

On Linux there is a parameter in the JACK settings for the maximum number of 
ports it can use. This has to be set before you start the JACK server.
I assume there is a similar setting in JackOSX.

So in your case, you'd want the maximum to be  9 * 96 channels. (8*96 for the 
scsynths, 96 for the actual hardware ports).


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