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Re: [sc-users] Further serial port question
On Tuesday 03 March 2009 14:31:42 men_with_ties wrote:
> Hello all; this is a follow-up to a question I posted on the DEV list some
> weeks back (under heading "Serial port maximum transmission rates").
> Apologies for the cross-post.
> My requirement is to establish communication over a serial port, at 921600
> baud, within OS X (10.4 or 10.5). This is not supported under the OS X
> serial implementation that ships with SC - a result of legacy code in
> TERMIOS, I believe, which tops out at 230k.
try compiling SC with:
#if defined(B921600)
case 921600:
brate = B921600;
added at line 243 in Source/lang/LangPrimSource/PyrSerialPrim.cpp
This will only work if OSX actually supports this baudrate.
I hope this helps.
> After looking further into the issue, I have spent many 'happy' hours
> trying to fold the IOSSIOSPEED ioctl, poorly documented in Apple's Serial
> Port Sample
> (http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/SerialPortSample/listing2.html),
> into PyrSerialPrim.cpp -- this seems to be my only option, OS-wise.
> I have succeeded in compiling with my revised code. I don't get error
> messages, but the call to IOSSIOSPEED does not actually set the output
> speed; it remains stuck at 9600 baud. Which is two zeroes too few...
> This is arcane territory for me and I would be very grateful if anyone more
> experienced than I could suggest how to best implement it.
> Full disclosure: we are currently running a Java codebase to control an
> electroacoustic installation featuring 96 individually amplified, rewired
> electric clocks... millisecond timing is crucial, so we need a high baud
> rate.
> Thanks much.
> -- Hans Samuelson
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