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Re: [sc-users] windows paths ... ergh


Buffer reading works with 3.3 alpha 5 (uploaded by Dan just a few days
ago), but not the earlier alpha 3. You can use either '/' or '\\' as a
path separator. The change to the latest libsndfile didn't fix the
bug. Dan added a fix so that on windows reading a buffer will use
'sf_open' instead of 'sf_open_fd', the latter of which does not seem
to work on windows.


On 04/03/2009, Josh Parmenter <josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes - it is with the current alpha (3.3).
> Hmm... thanks James. Dan? Is this a current limitation?
> Thanks,
> Josh
> On Mar 3, 2009, at 3:32 PM, James Harkins wrote:
>> Using current alpha?
>> The old 3.2 package had a bug with this (soundfile reading just
>> didn't work).
>> I think Dan said the latest alpha package fixes this bug by moving up
>> to the current libsndfile.
>> hjh

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