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Re: [sc-users] nodeproxy and re-evaluation

Hi Till,

This sounds pretty much like what I wanted. I'll look more carefully at the different params.



LFSaw a écrit :
You may wat to look into
which does crossfading for you.

manually rebuilding the ~bass evokes a xfade between the old and the new synth. Beating might come from the fact that the two synths are not exactly (actually not even near to) in sync.

Try something like

~basses = {
    var bass, delayedBass;

bass= Decay.ar(Impulse.ar(5+LFNoise1.ar(0.1,0,0.2)))*SinOsc.ar([142,145],0,0.5);
    delayedBass = DelayN.ar(bass, 1, LFNoise0.kr(0.2).range(0, 1));
XFade2.ar(bass, delayedBass, LFTri.kr(0.5))


(nice sound, btw.)

hope that helps

((My experience is that automating proxyspacy stuff does not always work as expected. Try using the effects under the hood instead))

On 02.03.2009, at 23:50, Sylvain wrote:

Hi everyone,

Here's a feature/problem I come across quite often, which is that when (in Jitlib) I evaluate a node proxy while it is already running, I have some fading effects that I like. But then, if I try to automate them, I don't have the effect anymore.
To make it more clear, here's an example :




If you evaluate this bunch of lines, you'll hopefully get some sound, ok. Then evaluate again the last line and you will get beating (coming from what I suppose to be the difference between the freq and the time when you evaluate the line)

But then if I would like to automate this "beating" effect, how would I do ?
I tried something like this, but doesn't help (unless first time ...)

(Tdef(\basse,{~bass.rebuild; 1.wait;}).play;)

Any hints are welcome



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