Hi everyone,
Here's a feature/problem I come across quite
often, which is that when (in Jitlib) I
evaluate a node proxy while it is already
running, I have some fading effects that I
like. But then, if I try to automate them, I
don't have the effect anymore.
To make it more clear, here's an example :
If you evaluate this bunch of lines, you'll hopefully get some sound, ok.
Then evaluate again the last line and you will
get beating (coming from what I suppose to be
the difference between the freq and the time
when you evaluate the line)
But then if I would like to automate this "beating" effect, how would I do ?
I tried something like this, but doesn't help (unless first time ...)
(Tdef(\basse,{~bass.rebuild; 1.wait;}).play;)
Any hints are welcome
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