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Re: [sc-users] arrays of (changing) functions

It's located in JITLib/various/FDef.sc
so you should find it (or update… :-)

On 02.03.2009, at 23:40, Andrea Valle wrote:

(Oh! Maybe, there's also Maybe. It's a theoretical question if I just ever know by name all the classes in the main distro.

Class.allClasses.printAll; ""


Maybe (hmm, returns nil here))


On 2 Mar 2009, at 22:07, Julian Rohrhuber wrote:

have a look if Maybe helps you further (see Maybe.hlep and LazyEnvir.help)


I'm trying to change functions on the fly that works great when I create them explicitly but trying to use arrays of functions I have to reevaluate
the whole collect statement to get it to work why is that ?

// this is pretty much what I want, and that works:
~f1 = nil;      // nothing
~t1 = {~f1.()}; // works
~t1.();         // test -> ok
~f1 = { "f1".postln; }  // change
~t1.(); // test -> ok ~f1 = { "f1a".postln; } // etc ....
~f2 = { "f2".postln; }
~t1 = {~f2.()};
// but arrays of functions don't:
~f3 = nil;
~fs = [~f1,~f3];
~t1 = { ~fs[0].() };  // still
~t1.();               // works
~f3 = { "f3".postln;} ~t1 = { ~fs[1].() };  // this
~t1.();               // doesn't

is there a simple solution without reevaluating the array and re- collect it ?


chris@xxxxxxxxxx Postmodernism is german romanticism with better http://pilot.fm/ special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.net)

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Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino
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"The objectives of SuperCollider have been taken a stage further with the development of SAOL, the fruits of a research project based at MIT, launched in 1998" (P. Manning, Electronic and Computer Music, revised and expanded edition, 2004)

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