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Re: [sc-users] Can't get makewindow to work . (Using v.3.3)
Can you be mo
James Harkins wrote:
> There seems to be a bug with EZSlider in the 3.3 windows alpha (I
> assume you're on windows based on the double-spacing in the helpfile
> snippet). A number of things with EZSlider and its cousins have been
> fixed recently (just this week). It might be possible to merge the new
> gui revisions into the 3.3 alpha classlib. Not sure I have time to
> look at that today.
the new EZSlider will not work on Swing untill relative orgin is implemented
you can try putting the following into your SwingGUI.sc file:
*ezSlider { ^EZSlider }
*ezSlider { ^EZSliderJ }
then you will get the old EZSlider for now.
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