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Re: [sc-users] Can't get makewindow to work . (Using v.3.3)

James Harkins wrote:
There seems to be a bug with EZSlider in the 3.3 windows alpha (I
assume you're on windows based on the double-spacing in the helpfile
snippet). A number of things with EZSlider and its cousins have been
fixed recently (just this week). It might be possible to merge the new
gui revisions into the 3.3 alpha classlib. Not sure I have time to
look at that today.

On my windows box, the bug causes SwingOSC (java.exe) to hog one of
the 2 cores. I have to kill both SC and java.exe. Possibly the window
doesn't pop up because SwingOSC died?

Also I found a bug in memStore where it doesn't keep the metadata in
the SynthDesc object. It's an easy fix, but I'm at work and can't fix
it now, probably tomorrow.

I'm using Linux, with supercollider compiled from the 3.3 source.

I don't think it's the bug you're talking about because SwingOSC doesn't die - when I choose 'start SwingOSC server', it says 'swingOSC already running'. Also, the Help browser stays open.

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