Julian Rohrhuber wrote:beau wrote:Is there any instrument repository, for things like violin, cello, saxophone etc...? Ideally some what realistic sc versions on these instruments that could be controlled via midiI managed to make a half-decent organ sound by filtering pink noise through a bandpass filter and then adding different harmonics. The code I wrote is pasted below (though could do with some more work).It's more of a synthdef generator than a simple synthdef - the harmonic parameters can only be altered during the creation of the synthdef at the moment, not live.harmMult, harmOffset and harmDecayPower could be made modulatable, if needed - just declare them as arguments. Only numHarm is fixed. You could split the synthdef into single overtones, and then use multichannel expansion on events to even make numHarm variable, but this changes the usage a little.So raising to the power is a valid UGen operation? I'm still getting to grips with how UGen operations work.
yes - most binary and unary operations are ugens: see BinaryOpUGen and UnaryOpUGen helpfiles.
I'm not worried too much about numHarm as long as I can modulate harmDecayPower. I was also thinking of getting rid of harmMult and harmOffset and replacing them with a system where the fundamental, the odd harmonics, and the even harmonics go through separate modulatable amplifiers before being recombined at the end.andy _______________________________________________ sc-users mailing listinfo (subscription, etc.): http://www.beast.bham.ac.uk/research/sc_mailing_lists.shtmlarchive: https://listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/ search: https://listarc.bham.ac.uk/lists/sc-users/search/
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