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[sc-users] Can't get makewindow to work . (Using v.3.3)


I have installed version 3.3 and am trying again to get makewindow to work with metadata. I pasted the following example from the SynthDef help file:

d = SynthDef(\mdDemo, { |out, freq, cutoff, volume, gate = 1|

var sig = LPF.ar(Saw.ar(freq, volume), cutoff),

env = EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr, gate, doneAction: 2);

Out.ar(out, (sig * env) ! 2)

}, metadata: (specs: (cutoff: \freq, volume: \amp))).memStore;


Now it's not producing a window at all - I get some results in the post window (pasted below) but no sound.

SynthDesc 'mdDemo'
ControlName  P 0 out control 0
ControlName  P 1 freq control 440
ControlName  P 2 cutoff control 440
ControlName  P 3 volume control 0
ControlName  P 4 gate control 1
  O audio out 2


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