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RE: [sc-users] Fill array with UGen output

Alright. The OSCresponder and SendTrig combination is probably the most simple. The only disadvantage is that you can only receive one value at a time (I think...). For me this was a problem because I did pitch analysis and had to put the pitch and the amplitude of a note in a database at the same time, but if the only thing you want to do is to put some single values in an array it works great. So a little code example might look like this:
~input =  Array.newClear(20);        //Array to put the UGen values in
var count;
count = 0;                                  //Initialize counter to 0
o = OSCresponder(s.addr, '/tr', { arg t, r, msg;
       //[count, msg[3]].postln;
       ~input.put(count, msg[3]);
       count = (count + 1) % ~input.size;       //Increment the counter, but wrap it between 0 and size of your input array minus 1
//Some SynthDef were you want to poll the values from
SynthDef.new("detectPitch", { arg trigID = 1;
     var input, freq, hasFreq, amp;
     input = SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 1);      //A source
     amp = Amplitude.kr(input);
     # freq, hasFreq = Pitch.kr(input, ampThrehold: 0.02. median: 7);
     freq = freq.cpsmidi.round(1);
     SendTrig.kr(Impulse.kr(5), trigID, freq);      //Increase the rate of Impulse to achieve more precision. Further note that you can send an array like
                                                               //[freq, amp] but that OSCresponder will 'unpack' the array into 2 separate values so you can't use it
                                                               //to write 2 values into an array at the same time.

The solution with a Routine is maybe a little more complicated, but then you can put more than 1 item in a database at the same time. I hope you can do something with this and if you would like to know more about the Routine solution let me know, then I'll post a little example of that one too.

Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:44:02 -0800
From: efsubenovex@xxxxxxxxx
To: sc-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [sc-users] Fill array with UGen output

Ah! Michael, a code snippet is worth a thousand nodes. Please do, and thanks! Sounds great.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:19 AM, Michael Dzjaparidze <m_dzjaparidze@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have been working on the same thing bassically. I came up with 2 solutions. 1 indeed by using OSCresponder and SendTrig, but actually the one I ended up using was to just use a control rate bus to send my Ugen data to and then I build a loop with a Routine that accesses the bus with the .getn message and stores the data in an Array with a counter that gets incremented each time through the loop.
If you need more specific code, I can put up a short example.
Good luck,

From: josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: sc-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [sc-users] Fill array with UGen output
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 20:38:24 -0800

Take a look at OSCresponderNode and SendTrig. This would probably be the easiest way to do it (and access the values in the lang).



On Dec 28, 2008, at 5:49 PM, Schell wrote:

Hi, I am wondering how to fill an array with the output of a control rate from a unit generator, possibly at pre-determined intervals [every 2nd, 3rd or 4th value]. Possibly a function that uses a ugen to return an array? I can't seem to achieve this on my own...

Schell Scivally

/* Joshua D. Parmenter

"Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono

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Schell Scivally

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