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Re: [sc-users] Re: drag&drop mystery

I can't reproduce the problem, neither cocoa nor swing. Mac OSX 10.4.11, SwingOSC 0.60.

On Dec 29, 2008, at 6:16 PM, Martin . wrote:

oops - now also with code that actually executes:

f = GUI.window.new("", Rect(0, 0, 160, 200));
GUI.slider.new( f, Rect( 10, 10, 100, 120 ))
.beginDragAction_({ |sl| sl });

b= GUI.button.new( f, Rect( 10, 160, 130, 24 ))
.states_( [[ "Drop slider on me" ], ["Drop slider on me", Color.red]])
.canReceiveDragHandler_({ true })
var gui;
gui= GUI.view.currentDrag;
b.action = "">
gui.value= v.value; //this works *sometimes*, but mostly not
//gui.postln; //works
//gui.value.postln; //works


can anyone confirm if this happens in cocoa as well?

: H. James Harkins

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman