( x = {|freq=440, amp=0.6, t_trig=1.0| RLPF.ar(PinkNoise.ar(amp), freq*EnvGen.kr(Env([1.0,1.0,0.1],[0,0.1]), gate:t_trig), 0.2 ).dup }.play ) ( p = Pbind(\type, \set, \freq, Pwhite(1000, 10000), \dur, 0.2, \amp, Pseq((1,0.99 .. 0.1), inf), \t_trig, 1.0, \id, x.nodeID, \args, #[freq, amp, t_trig]).play ) p.stop; x.free; hjh On Dec 29, 2008, at 1:37 PM, Nathaniel Virgo wrote: Great, this is what I'm looking for... but is there a way to make it send a trigger? The following modification of your example doesn't work - the envelope doesn't get re-triggered: : H. James Harkins .::!:.:.......:.::........:..!.::.::...:..:...:.:.:.:..: "Come said the Muse, Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted, Sing me the universal." -- Whitman |