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Re: [sc-users] RedPhasor backwards?
a temporary workaround could be written using 2 redphasors.
b = Buffer.read(s, "sounds/a11wlk01.wav");
( //doesn't go silent at negative rate values
{ var phasor, rate;
rate = MouseX.kr(-1.0, 1.0);
phasor = RedPhasor.ar(0, BufRateScale.kr(b)*[rate, rate.neg], 0,
BufFrames.kr(b), 1, 0, BufFrames.kr(b));
phasor= if(rate>0, phasor[0], phasor[1].neg);
BufRd.ar(1, b, phasor);
maybe you can get around the annoying click when the switch happens
as well by using a quick xfade.
but i promise to take a look at the ugen itself tomorrow.
29 dec 2008 kl. 23.12 skrev Martin .:
sorry i forgot why. i'll make some tests and see if i can remember.
perhaps there's no reason and the clipping can be removed.
that would be great, thanks!
fredrikolofsson.com klippav.org musicalfieldsforever.com
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