> Hi list
> This is something that's been bugging me for a while - I want to do some
> monophonic stuff with patterns for which Pmono doesn't quite do what I need,
> and I'm not sure of the best way of going about it. I'm posting in case
> anyone has any ideas...
> Basically I'm sequencing drums (later probably basslines etc. as well) and I
> want to do it in blocks, each of which is a Ppar that plays one bar of
> kicks, snare, hihats etc. Then I want to be able to do, e.g.
> Pseq([block1, block2, block1, block3],inf).play
> All of this is more-or-less easy enough, but I want the kicks and hihats to
> be monophonic instruments (an open hihat should stop sounding if followed by
> a closed one, for example). Pmono doesn't really work because the hihats
> from block1 would end up in a separate synth instance from those in block2,
> so an open hat at the end of block1 would not be cut off by a closed one at
> the beginning of block2.
> The only solution I can think of is to have the kick and hihats composed of
> two SynthDefs each - one which plays a trigger signal and the parameters
> onto various busses; and another which is playing throughout the whole
> track, reading the busses and making the sound.
> But that seems a very complicated thing to have to do just to get a
> monophonic drum pattern, and it seems like it would be better if there could
> be just one Synth with its parameters being changed rather than using up
> loads of busses. Is there a better, more Pattern-y way I could be
> approaching this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Nathaniel