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Re: [sc-users] guitar synth controlled by midi
I don't get anything going to the post window when I use the synth in
a Pbind. There's nothing in there that sends anything to the post
window -- I don't know what's going on there. I'm new to
SuperCollider (started learning it about two months ago), so I'm also
not sure what you mean by "139" the server. The issue I see with your
MIDI code (which may not be the issue you're currently experiencing)
is that a noteOff might be trying to set a synth parameter for a synth
that isn't there. The synth I gave you frees itself automatically
when it detects silence. There may be a better way, but to do what
you want, I'd remove the DetectSilence UGen from the SynthDef and
write something like this:
a = Array.fill(128, { nil; });
n = NoteOnResponder(
arg src, chan, note, vel;
if (a[note] != nil, { a[note].free; });
a[note] = Synth(\guitar, [\freq, note.midicps, \amp, (vel/127).sqrt]);
nil, nil, nil, nil
m = NoteOffResponder(
arg src, chan, note, vel;
a[note] = nil;
nil, nil, nil, nil
This should free the server resources automatically. When you're done
using the Responders, just do:
I'm currently away from home, and have no MIDI controllers available
to me, so I can't test the MIDI code that I send you. I'll try to
help where I can, though.
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