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[sc-users] Can't get GrainBuf to work.
I've been trying out the granular synthesis examples, and I can't get
GrainBuf to produce any sound. I've reduced the example from the help
file to make it a bit simpler, as shown below, and it evaluates OK but
produces no audible output.
b = Buffer.read(s, "samples/13552__acclivity__Brook20Sec.wav");
// a custom envelope
Pan2.ar(GrainBuf.ar(1, Impulse.ar(10), 0.1 , b, 1,
LFNoise2.kr(10).range(0, 1),
2, 0, -1),0) ;
Am I doing this wrong?
The file is a 20 second sample of the sound of running water, from
freesound.org (at http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=13552 )
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