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[sc-users] Can't wrap my head around SynthDef.wrap

Hello all,

I'm trying to use SynthDef.wrap for hiding some of the complexity for generating synths with the same set of parameters, envelopes etc. I'm trying to build a class that will get a function as an input and inject that function into a predefined synthdef structure.

I want the arguments of the supplied function to act like the arguments of the SynthDef so I can access them via OSC but can't ".wrap" my head around it.

My shot was something like this, a blank synthdef for now and a function:

f =
   arg name, func;
var out = SynthDef.wrap(func, 0.dup(func.def.argNames.size), func.def.argNames);
       Out.ar(0, out);

f.value("siner", { arg freq = 440; SinOsc.ar(freq); });

It doesn't compile, I was not really expecting it to work but maybe someone can help. I want this freq argument supplied in the function to act as an argument for the SynthDef. I want to be able to add arbitrarily named arguments that way (to the function) that will act the same way. How can I achieve this?


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