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Re: [sc-users] guitar synth controlled by midi

I found this cool guitar synth example, and was wanted some
advice/help making it a midi synth, so that I could control it with a

    // strummable guitar
    // use mouse to strum strings
	var pitch, mousex, out;
	pitch = [ 52, 57, 62, 67, 71, 76 ];		// e a d g b e
	mousex = MouseX.kr;
	out = Mix.fill(pitch.size, { arg i;
		var trigger, pluck, period, string;
		// place trigger points from 0.25 to 0.75
		trigger = HPZ1.kr(mousex > (0.25 + (i * 0.1))).abs;
		pluck = PinkNoise.ar(Decay.kr(trigger, 0.05));
		period = pitch.at(i).midicps.reciprocal;
		string = CombL.ar(pluck, period, period, 4);
		Pan2.ar(string, i * 0.2 - 0.5);
	LPF.ar(out, 12000);

I have tried a few different things, any suggestions?

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