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Re: [sc-users] SuperCollider 3.3. alpha release
jostM wrote:
> Hmm ... but it should make no difference. EZSlider returns and
> EZSliderSC under OSX, and should repson exactly the same, other than
> class identity. I'll try loading the Conductor quart to see what's going on.
> jostM
> Fredrik Olofsson wrote:
>> marinos: for now change +EZSlider to +EZSliderSC in
>> quarks/Conductor/classes/CV/ConnectCVToViews.sc. all the EZ widgets
>> have been rewritten to use ViewRedirect and we need to wait for Ron to
>> update his [great] Conductor quark.
Ah, I see Frederick, you are correct. Since he is extending the class,
he has to change this.
This will all be reversed once Swing gets relative origin.
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