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Re: [sc-users] gnustep?
Vytautas Jancauskas wrote:
> http://www.gnustep.org/resources/documentation/Developer/Gui/Reference/NSView.html
> I have no idea what so ever about gnustep or osx programming but i was
> under impression that porting from osx to gnustep is extremely easy
> since they are pretty much the same API is that not so?
I don't have much experience in this field either, but here it says:
"It's easier from GNUstep to Cocoa than Cocoa to GNUstep. Cocoa is
constantly changing, much faster than GNUstep could hope to keep up.
They have added extensions and new classes that aren't available in
GNUstep yet. Plus there are some other issues."
> On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 1:34 PM, blackrain <blackrain.sc
> <http://blackrain.sc>@gmail.com <http://gmail.com>> wrote:
> all of sc's gui views are drawn controls on top of a NSView placed on
> a window; except for the scrollers.
> porting the code to gnustep, or any other gui toolkit implies a full
> implementation of the views hierarchy and widgets.
As i understand the info on the gnustep site, it would be feasible
provided that sc doesn't use CoreFoundation, Quicktime (used I think...)
and other proprietary extensions..
It's kind of exciting - perhaps I will give it a try...
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