Porting from Cocoa or OPENSTEP to GNUstep has different aspects. First there is the compatibility of the basic Foundation Kit and Application Kit. We support a lot of classes, but not all of them and the same is true for specific methods, specifically newly introduced classes and methods in Cocoa may still be missing as GNUstep started out aiming at OpenStep compatibility.
Second you have all the additional frameworks and libraries programmers on Mac OS X take for granted, for some of them free replacements exists, for most they are still missing. Mac OS X developers should try and avoid CoreFoundation as this will complicate your dependency situation on non-Mac hosts, even if that part of CoreFoundation has actually been ported. GNUstep Base and the FoundationKit offer many parts of the CoreFoundation functionality in a natural Objective-C manner. To be a bit more specific:
If you committed none of these portability evils, the rest is relatively straightforward:
I have no idea what so ever about gnustep or osx programming but i was under impression that porting from osx to gnustep is extremely easy since they are pretty much the same API is that not so?
On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 1:34 PM, blackrain <blackrain.sc@gmail.com> wrote:
all of sc's gui views are drawn controls on top of a NSView placed on
a window; except for the scrollers.
porting the code to gnustep, or any other gui toolkit implies a full
implementation of the views hierarchy and widgets.
On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 4:26 PM, Vytautas Jancauskas <unaudio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Was it ever tried porting the GUI part of supercollider to gnustep? If so
> with what results if not why?
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