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Re: [sc-users] [OT] Are there any supercollider users in geneva?
...i'm living in geneva....
here my contact
Hervé Provini
28 rue des Grottes
CH-1201 Genève
Tél/Fax: +41 (0) 22 740 12 82
Email: herve.provini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
WEB: http://membres.lycos.fr/herveprovini
Le 23 déc. 08 à 17:28, Vytautas Jancauskas a écrit :
I will be coming and staying there from february 3rd to some date
in may for an internship in CERN (talk about programming
supercollider). So is anyone living there could tell me about hip
places to visit (experimental music shows, art galeries or w/e) or
maybe wants to hang out and share sc knowledge? (I know i'm not
much of a list regular but still)
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