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Re: [sc-users] Exquisite Corpse-mas

thank you james. you're right - i didn't installed the stk ugens properly. apparently i was lacking the 'rawwaves' folder (a separate download) in my main sc app directory. still quite a few of the stk ugens have problems (as listed in STKtests.rtf) and tim's code chokes here with the same error. oh well, i'll just trash stk.

who's maintaining the stk ugens? they're in quite a mess. if half of them crashes the server, perhaps these particular ones could be commented out in the class file?

(and sorry tim for hijacking your thread)

26 dec 2008 kl. 00.13 skrev James Harkins:

I think I understand -- Tim's code searches through the UGen class tree to find audio rate UGens with some specific properties. That includes STK generators if you have them installed, and there is nothing special in the code to exclude them. If I recall, STK generators require some special pre-initialization before the first time you use them. Since the example doesn't take those steps, naturally any synthdefs that it generates which happen to include STK UGens will fail.

No worries -- that's quite a bit more obscure then the rather obvious cmd-. that I forgot about in Dan's screenshot!

On Dec 25, 2008, at 5:27 PM, Fredrik Olofsson wrote:

ok, thanks.
i found my problem. if i take out stkugens from the sc3-plugins package it works. (how much do those allocate anyway?) thinking it's a lack of memory i increased memSize to 32768*8 but still no go. what has stk to do with tim's code? i don't understand.

: H. James Harkins
: jamshark70@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: http://www.dewdrop-world.net

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Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

     fredrikolofsson.com     klippav.org     musicalfieldsforever.com

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