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Re: [sc-users] Shalmaneser: Ticker
Thanks, Tim. Listening to it now, and really enjoying it.
(A long long time ago I used to play classical guitar in a
medieval/renaissance band with three recorder players. Someone lent us
a set of crumhorms -- SATB -- and I got to play the bass. It was pretty
cool. Wish I still had it.)
- Dave
P.S. Thunderbird's spell checker just suggested changing "crumhorms" to
Tim Walters wrote:
My new album, TICKER, is available for free download:
Except for the occasional recorder, crumhorn, and bass guitar, it's done
entirely with SuperCollider. The result is a bit like Mike Oldfield
crossed with Venetian Snares. But only a bit.
Antiquarians may be interested to note that shiny five-inch discs are
also available.
Dave Seidel
# http://mysterybear.net
# http://daveseidel.tumblr.com
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