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Re: [sc-users] more newbie help: realtime processing

In.ar(0, 2) is trying to read from the hardware outputs -- IIRC that's
always silent.

Use AudioIn or SoundIn to get the hardware inputs.

Or, pass the right bus number to In -- In.ar(s.numOutputBusChannels, 2)


On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Dave Seidel <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to route my new Stylophone (an Xmas present) into my PreSonus
> Firebox, through PsyCollider (WinXP), and back out through the PreSonus, and
> I need some help figuring it out.
> (
>  SynthDef("stylophone", {
>    Out.ar(0, Klank.ar(`[[800, 1071, 1153, 1723], nil, [1, 1, 1, 1]],
> In.ar(0, 2)));
>  }).send(s);
> )

James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

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