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Re: [sc-users] SuperCollider 3.3. alpha release

I'll see if I can make a swing version of the tutorial, but not immediately. I do believe in supporting other platforms. Btw, wouter has been using the gradients to try do some amazing widgets with SCUserView ( a cocoa-style button, e.g,) , so gradients don't need to be so psychedelic at all ;-)



Andrea Valle wrote:
Hi Jost, Sciss

@jost: the fact is that I have to understand some stuff I never entered into, so -hmm- I don't know exactly what to do.

on gradient: yeah, apart from feature request (personally I'm not that fan of gradient :-)), I was just pointing out some little troubles in the new docs (again: wow) in relation to swing



On 26 Dec 2008, at 15:20, jostM wrote:

Andrea, perhaps you feel like adjusting the SCUserView Tutorial (MyWidget) class so that it work with swing. The mousActions need adjust, and then you need to make the superclass JSCUserView and set the ViewClass to JSCUserView.

I don't have itme at the moment, and a swing user will do this much faster.

Then we could have the tutorial in the J docs as well.


Andrea Valle wrote:
No no, it's the contrary, it's a scheme which allows to write platform  independent  gui code.
Bu the examples use gradient stuff which is cocoa only. So if you have swing, they throw an error.



On 26 Dec 2008, at 11:48, Bjorn Westergard wrote:

I assume the GUI stuff is mac only?

On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 9:02 PM, jostM <sc3@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'll have to adjust these examples for cross platform compatibility.


Andrea Valle wrote:
Thanks a lot to all.
The new GUI stuff is amazing. My only problem is that I have to update the Italian manual now...

I think we should point to:
While following the "general" link I re-downloaded 3.2

I don't know if it is well-known, but I  am obtaining some errors while evaluating code from GUI-overview (I'm on macosx10.4 with Swing 0.59)

w=Window.new.front; // Use Rect for precise placement in a CompositeView
v=CompositeView(w, Rect(50,50,300,300));
v.background_(Color.grey); // give the subview a visible color
v.relativeOrigin = true; // use relative coordinates
Slider(v, Rect (50,50,220,20)) // so this is equivalent when Window is used as a parent


ERROR: Message 'relativeOrigin_' not understood.
Instance of JSCCompositeView {    (0F118510, gc=60, fmt=00, flg=00, set=06)
  instance variables [33]
    dataptr : Integer 1130
    parent : instance of JSCTopView (0F1182F0, size=34, set=6)
    action : nil



n={arg freq=220; 
var out;
8.do{out = AllpassN.ar(out, 0.2,0.02+0.20.rand,8)};

w = Window("Use arrow keys to change the frequency by steps", Rect(100, 500, 500, 120));

b = NumberBox(w, Rect(200, 10, 100, 20));
b.value = 220;

b.action = "">arg numb; n.set(\freq, numb.value); }; // set the action here to change the frequency.

b.addAction ( {w.view.background = "">Gradient( Color.rand, Color.rand)}); // add another action here.

b.step=55; //make the step a fraction of the freq



No gradient with Swing. The same for all examples, including the one with fillAxialGradient.

The following freezes SC:
SynthDef("test", { arg out, freq=330, amp=0.6; 
Out.ar(out, SinOsc.ar(freq,0,amp)) 


Uhm, maybe we should pay more attention to swing, as it is the default non-mac GUI



On 25 Dec 2008, at 11:51, Julian Rohrhuber wrote:

An alpha version of the new version of SuperCollider (3.3) can now be downloaded as binary from http://sourceforge.net/projects/supercollider.

Thanks to all contributors! Many things have been improved (see ChangeLog), and the GUI documentation reworked. Please let us know if anything does not work as it should.



sc-users mailing list

Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

"The objectives of SuperCollider have been taken a stage further with the development of SAOL, the fruits of a research project based at MIT, launched in 1998" 
(P. Manning, Electronic and Computer Music, revised and expanded edition, 2004)

Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

"The objectives of SuperCollider have been taken a stage further with the development of SAOL, the fruits of a research project based at MIT, launched in 1998" 
(P. Manning, Electronic and Computer Music, revised and expanded edition, 2004)

Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

"The objectives of SuperCollider have been taken a stage further with the development of SAOL, the fruits of a research project based at MIT, launched in 1998" 
(P. Manning, Electronic and Computer Music, revised and expanded edition, 2004)