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Re: [sc-users] SuperCollider 3.3. alpha release
Its only for class programmers. You can't override the mouseAction
method in the same way in swing as in cocoa, since they are implemented
differently. I noticed this when trying to convert my SCUserView
Subclassing tutorial to swing. So its not a bug or incompatibility per
se. There just needs to be a separate subclassing example for Swing ,
thats all.
Sciss wrote:
> hi jost,
> what do you mean? incompatibilities should be put into the bug tracker at
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=155586&atid=796400
> ciao, -sciss-
> Am 26.12.2008 um 15:01 schrieb jostM:
>> and I actually think that the JSC-GUI library should be adjusted to
>> act like the SCLibrary. It concerns the mouse action methods.
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