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[sc-users] refresh

Hi, first, are there any reason not to use a buffer like this instead of a bus or sendtrig?
To me this seems simpler and more flexible. Also any way to avoid this refresh problem
so that not have to refresh the whole window. What I did notice with buffer is when I
used 2 channels and a size of 2048 parts of the buffer got just lots of zeros. Maybe also
here the refresh takes so much power so the buffer dont get written correctly.
Any thoughts on this?


s = Server.local.boot;

~n = 256;
~buf =  Buffer.alloc(s, ~n, 2);
~data = 0 ! ~n;
~dataL = 0 ! ~n / 2;
~dataR = 0 ! ~n / 2;

SynthDef("xy", {
var x;
x = SinOsc.ar([ 225, 450 ], MouseY.kr(2pi, 0), 0.6) 
+ LPF.ar( 
SinOsc.ar( 226 * [ 1, 3.2 ],[ 0, 0.1 ], 0.2),
MouseX.kr( 20, 10000, 1));


BufWr.ar( x, ~buf.bufnum, Phasor.ar(0, BufRateScale.kr(~buf.bufnum) * 1, 0, BufFrames.kr(~buf.bufnum)));
Out.ar( 0, x );


( //lissajou scope
var n, width, height, wpos, v;
height = 1006; 
width = 1006;
w = SCWindow( "Digits", Rect( 0, 0, width, height )).front;
w.view.background = "">
w. x.free; r.stop; };
v = SCUserView.new( w, Rect( 10, 10, 986, 986 ) )
.relativeOrigin_( true ).clearOnRefresh_( true );
v.background = "" style="color: #0000bf">Color.black;
v.drawFunc = {
Pen.translate( 493, 493);
(~n/2).do({ arg i;
~pL = ( ~dataL.at( i ) * 493 );
~pR = ( ~dataR.at( i ) * 493 );
Pen.fillColor = Color.hsv( ~dataL.at( i ) * 0.5 + 0.5, 1, 1);
Pen.fillOval( Rect( ~pL, ~pR , 16, 16) );

x = Synth("xy");

 r = { loop {  ~buf.getn(0, ~n, { arg newData;
            if( ~data != newData, 
{  ~data = "">
    ~foo = ~data.clump(2).flop;
    ~dataL = ~foo[ 0 ];
    ~dataR = ~foo[ 1 ];
      { w.refresh }.defer; }) });
  0.01.wait;  } }.fork;


Jesper Elén
Studio Manager
Visby International Centre for Composers
Skeppsbron 18, 621 57 Visby, Sweden
+46 705 249914
+46 498 249904
+46 498 249900 ( also fax )