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Re: [sc-users] SuperCollider 3.3. alpha release

I assume the GUI stuff is mac only?

On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 9:02 PM, jostM <sc3@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'll have to adjust these examples for cross platform compatibility.


Andrea Valle wrote:
Thanks a lot to all.
The new GUI stuff is amazing. My only problem is that I have to update the Italian manual now...

I think we should point to:
While following the "general" link I re-downloaded 3.2

I don't know if it is well-known, but I  am obtaining some errors while evaluating code from GUI-overview (I'm on macosx10.4 with Swing 0.59)

w=Window.new.front; // Use Rect for precise placement in a CompositeView
v=CompositeView(w, Rect(50,50,300,300));
v.background_(Color.grey); // give the subview a visible color
v.relativeOrigin = true; // use relative coordinates
Slider(v, Rect (50,50,220,20)) // so this is equivalent when Window is used as a parent


ERROR: Message 'relativeOrigin_' not understood.
Instance of JSCCompositeView {    (0F118510, gc=60, fmt=00, flg=00, set=06)
  instance variables [33]
    dataptr : Integer 1130
    parent : instance of JSCTopView (0F1182F0, size=34, set=6)
    action : nil



n={arg freq=220; 
var out;
8.do{out = AllpassN.ar(out, 0.2,0.02+0.20.rand,8)};

w = Window("Use arrow keys to change the frequency by steps", Rect(100, 500, 500, 120));

b = NumberBox(w, Rect(200, 10, 100, 20));
b.value = 220;

b.action = "">arg numb; n.set(\freq, numb.value); }; // set the action here to change the frequency.

b.addAction ( {w.view.background = "">Gradient( Color.rand, Color.rand)}); // add another action here.

b.step=55; //make the step a fraction of the freq



No gradient with Swing. The same for all examples, including the one with fillAxialGradient.

The following freezes SC:
SynthDef("test", { arg out, freq=330, amp=0.6; 
Out.ar(out, SinOsc.ar(freq,0,amp)) 


Uhm, maybe we should pay more attention to swing, as it is the default non-mac GUI



On 25 Dec 2008, at 11:51, Julian Rohrhuber wrote:

An alpha version of the new version of SuperCollider (3.3) can now be downloaded as binary from http://sourceforge.net/projects/supercollider.

Thanks to all contributors! Many things have been improved (see ChangeLog), and the GUI documentation reworked. Please let us know if anything does not work as it should.



sc-users mailing list

Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

"The objectives of SuperCollider have been taken a stage further with the development of SAOL, the fruits of a research project based at MIT, launched in 1998" 
(P. Manning, Electronic and Computer Music, revised and expanded edition, 2004)