i am sorry for the reply posting, i am kind if new
to posting to this list and to SuperCollier.
I'll make a new thread.
Thank you Fredrik for your reply! I was only
adjusting the TempoClock in my code and not the RedMst.clock.
And thank you for the example code it can help me
make my code better!
Earlier replies:
25 dec 2008 kl. 16.39 skrev Maurice van
> Dear list, > > I am working on a kind of track player with tempo adjusting by > tapping on the spacebar. I am working with the nice RedMst class > but when a RedTrk is playing it is not possible to change its > tempo. It is only possible to define each RedTrk in a RedGrandMst > as a different song, but that is not handy. Does have anyone a > suggestion? you are doing something wrong. of course you can change the tempo while your redtrk is playing. post your code. RedMst.clock.tempo= 1.0.rrand(3.0); //set random tempo example > Does have anyone has seriously worked on a tapper to adjust a tempo > in live performances? The only class I found is TapTimer.sc. > > Thank you for any help. > > Maurice here's an example. takes the average of the last n taps. change TempoClock.default to your own clock. i'm sure other people have made more intricate ones. ( var n= 4; //number of taps to collect var timeout= 3; //timeout until restart in seconds var times= 0.dup(n), counter, lastTime= 0; var win= GUI.window.new("redTap", Rect(100, 200, 180, 80), false); var but= GUI.button.new(win, win.view.bounds).states_([["bpm= 120.00", Color.black, Color.clear]]) .action_{ var newTempo, nowTime= SystemClock.seconds; if(nowTime-timeout>lastTime, { "timedout".postln; counter= 0; }); if(counter<(n-1), { times= times.put(counter, SystemClock.seconds); counter= counter+1; }, { times= times.put(counter, SystemClock.seconds); newTempo= times.differentiate.drop(1).mean; ("setting new tempo"+newTempo).postln; TempoClock.default.tempo= 1/newTempo; but.states= [["bpm="+(60/newTempo).round(0.01), Color.black, Color.clear]]; times= times.rotate(-1); }); lastTime= nowTime; }; win.view.background= "">win.front; CmdPeriod.doOnce({if(win.isClosed.not, {win.close})}); TempoClock.default.tempo= 2; Pbind(\legato, 0.2).play; ) #| fredrikolofsson.com klippav.org musicalfieldsforever.com |# _______________________________________________ sc-users mailing list info (subscription, etc.): http://www.beast.bham.ac.uk/research/sc_mailing_lists.shtml archive: https://listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/ search: https://listarc.bham.ac.uk/lists/sc-users/search/ |