Thanks, then please look at it below: Server.default = s = Server.internal.waitForBoot({ var w; var courier; var dly; var dlytime, dcytime; var midiPitches = #[ 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65 ]; // an Array of Strings representing the key layout, // which is Japanese keyboard mapping // if you want to use other language mapping, // check the keycodes first and alter below var keyboard = #["1234567890-^", "qwertyuiop@[", "asdfghjkl;:]", "zxcvbnm,./"]; var keycodes = [ 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 22, 26, 28, 25, 29, 27, 24, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 16, 32, 34, 31, 35, 33, 30, 0,? 1,? 2,? 3,? 5,? 4,? 38, 40, 37, 41, 39, 42, 6,? 7,? 8,? 9,? 11, 45, 46, 43, 47, 44 ]; // horizontal offsets for keys. var offsets = #[22, 30, 38, 0]; var positions, pitches; var makeKey; // function to create a button for a key. ~source = Group.head(s); ~effect = Group.tail(s); ~eBus =, 2); courier ="Courier", 14).boldVariant; positions =; // create positions dictionary pitches =; // create pitches dictionary // define a function that will create a button for a key. makeKey = {|char, keyname, bounds| var v; keyname = keyname ? char.asString; bounds = bounds ? (24 @ 24); v =, bounds); v.font = courier; v.states = [[keyname,], [keyname,]]; }; w ="keyboard", Rect(128, 320, 371, 175)); w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds); // define a function to handle key downs. w.view.keyDownAction = {|view, char, modifiers, unicode, keycode| var pitch, bufnum, mod; [char, modifiers, keycode].postln; if (keycodes.indexOf(keycode)!=nil, { w.view.children[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)].focus; if (w.view.children[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)].value == 0, { w.view.children[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)].value = 1; mod = (modifiers/100000).floor.postln; switch (mod.asInteger, 0, { pitch = midiPitches[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)].midicps; }, 1, { pitch = (midiPitches[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)]+1).midicps; }, 2, { pitch = (midiPitches[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)]+0.5).midicps; }, 3, { pitch = (midiPitches[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)]+1.5).midicps; }); switch ( ~switch, ? 0, {?;? ~bufferc = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1); bufnum = ~bufferb.bufnum; }, ? 1, {?;? ~buffera = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1); bufnum = ~bufferc.bufnum; }, ? 2, {?;? ~bufferb = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1); bufnum = ~buffera.bufnum; }); s.sendMsg( \s_new, \test,? n=s.nextNodeID, 1, ~source.nodeID,? \freq,? pitch,? \amp,? 0.07, \bufnum, bufnum, \bus, ~eBus.index ); switch (~switch,? 0, {? ~bufferc.sine1(? Array.rand(32, 0, 1).cubed, ? true, ? true, ? true? );? ~switch = 1? },? 1, { ? ~buffera.sine1(? Array.rand(32, 0, 1).cubed, ? true, ? true, ? true? );? ~switch = 2? },? 2, { ? ~bufferb.sine1(? Array.rand(32, 0, 1).cubed, ? true, ? true, ? true? );? ~switch = 0? }); }) }, { if (char == $ , { w.view.children[46].focus; w.view.children[46].valueAction = w.view.children[46].value + 1; }); }) }; // define a function to handle key ups. w.view.keyUpAction = {|view, char, modifiers, unicode, keycode| if (keycodes.indexOf(keycode)!=nil, { w.view.children[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)].focus; if (w.view.children[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)].value == 1, { w.view.children[keycodes.indexOf(keycode)].value = 0 }); }/*, { if (char == $ , { w.view.children[46].focus }); }*/) };
// make the rows of the keyboard {|row, i|? var number; switch (i, 0, {number = 0;}, 1, {number = 12;}, 2, {number = 24;}, 3, {number = 36;} // for us key, 35, for japanese key, 36? ); {|key, j|? makeKey.(key); }; w.view.decorator.nextLine; w.view.decorator.shift(offsets[i]); }; // make button and sliders dly =, 72@24); dly.states = [["delay on",], ["delay off",,]]; dly.action = "">arg butt; // "button" for win, linux if (butt.value == 1, { s.sendMsg( \s_new, \delay, m=s.nextNodeID, 1, ~effect.nodeID, \dlytime, ~dlytime, \dcytime, ~dcytime, \bus, ~eBus.index ); g = Group.basicNew(s, m); NodeWatcher.register(g); }, { s.sendMsg(\n_free, m); }); }; //w.view.decorator.nextLine; dlytime = EZSlider(w, 285@24, "time", ControlSpec(0.1, 1.5, \lin), {|ez| ~dlytime = ez.value; s.sendMsg(\n_set, m, \dlytime, ~dlytime); }, 0.3, labelWidth: 40 ); w.view.decorator.nextLine.shift(76); dcytime = EZSlider(w, 285@24, "decay", ControlSpec(1, 6, \lin), {|ez| ~dcytime = ez.value; s.sendMsg(\n_set, m, \dcytime, ~dcytime); }, 2, labelWidth: 40 ); ~dlytime = 0.3; ~dcytime = 2; //keycodes.postln; //positions.postln; w.> if (g.isPlaying, {s.sendMsg(\n_free, m)}); s.quit; }; w.front; /******* buffer settings *******/? ? ~buffera = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1);? ~bufferb = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1);? ~bufferb.sine1(Array.rand(32, 0, 1).cubed, true, true, true);? ~bufferc = Buffer.alloc(s, 1024, 1);? ? ~switch = 0;? ? SynthDef(\test, {arg freq, amp, bufnum, bus; [0, bus], bufnum,? {Rand(0.99, 1.02)*freq}.dup, ? 0.15, ?, 0, pi, pi), ? pi,? pi ) ? ) *, doneAction: 2, levelScale: amp) *, 47.midicps) ) }).send(s); SynthDef(\delay, {arg dlytime, dcytime, bus; var in; in =, 2);? 0,? in,? dlytime*1.1,? dlytime,? 0.5+(dcytime*dcytime) )? ) }).send(s); }); sorry for letting you to read ugly one... Tadashi > Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 22:03:39 -0800 > From: suckspit@xxxxxxxxx > To: sc-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: RE: [sc-users] and stand-alone application > > > hi Tadashi, > > why don't you just post the entire code? or provide a download url. > its kind of tricky to help you when there isn't a whole lot of > information provided. > > > regards, > suckspit > > > > > -- > View this message in context: > Sent from the Supercollider - User mailing list archive at > > > _______________________________________________ > sc-users mailing list > > info (subscription, etc.): > archive: > search: 豪華プレゼントが抽選で当たる。『六本木ラグジュアリーナイト』 この冬限定のプレゼント。今すぐ応募を! |