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Re: [sc-users] Main.sc and stand-alone application

So - does it actually crash? If so, can you post the crash report?

I did a quick test on my computer, using just this in myApp.rtf:

Server.default = s = Server.internal.waitForBoot({"test".postln});

And it worked fine. It does take a few seconds for it to work though (about 5 seconds of spinning beach ball). Does the code work on its own if you open the file and execute the whole file?



On Dec 25, 2008, at 8:52 PM, Usami Tadashi wrote:

In the file, the code begins with:

Server.default = s = Server.internal.waitForBoot({

Maybe it might cause something wrong?
(I am just hesitating to show the whole thing
because it might be too big...)

After starting up SC with the original Main.sc,
I can see the MyApp.rtf work ok.?


From: josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: sc-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [sc-users] Main.sc and stand-alone application
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2008 19:10:21 -0800

what is in MyApp.rtf??



On Dec 25, 2008, at 7:05 PM, Usami Tadashi wrote:

I am trying to create a quasi-standalone application.?
I don't need any extra Classes so just put an rtf file that I coded (myApp.rtf) in SuperCollider directory
then added a line on Main.sc:

startup {
platform = this.platformClass.new;


Server.default = Server.internal;
interpreter.s = Server.default;
GUI.fromID( this.platform.defaultGUIScheme );
GeneralHID.fromID( this.platform.defaultHIDScheme );
osx: "Welcome to SuperCollider, type cmd-d for help",
linux: "Welcome to SuperCollider, type ctrl-c ctl-h for help from Emacs",
? windows: "Welcome to SuperCollider, press F1 for help"

/******* stand-alone application *******/
interpreter.executeFile(String.scDir ++ "/myApp.rtf");

But when I tried to start up SC, it wouldn't show anything and seemed crashed.
Are there any points that I have to check? Or any mistakes?

I am on OSX 10.5.5.

Thanks in advance,



/* Joshua D. Parmenter

“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono

発想力を鍛えるクイズ『ことのパ!』目指そうランキング入り! 企画担当者のハイスコア:1023点


/* Joshua D. Parmenter


“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono
